Every time i't amazes me how life seems to work in our favour. I know that for some people, maybe even most people, it doesn't look like it, but if you would take a better look...
Since I started to have faith in life taking care of me I noticed big changes in my life. Sometimes they were very obvious, sometime I had to look very closely, but they were and are always there.
I think most people have a lack of this faith, and I don't judge them, as for not so long ago I was one of them, and sometimes I still am.
Of course, life can be difficult, it can be really cruel, but even on the darkest moment you can hold on to the thought that life will not give up on you as long as you will not give up on life. Look for a little light, a little sparkling of hope and faith and hold on to that. Look for the small signs life is giving you to guide you. Be alert. Once you found one of those signs, make it yours and follow your intuition. Open your eyes and ears and you will see that your path gets clearer, more lightened, with more joy and happiness.
Don't blame life, it's up to you. Are you ready to open up and see those signs given to you by life, that makes you getting the best out of her?
Good luck and enjoy your journey!