Do you know those calenders where you have one page for every day of the year, that every day you can rip one page off and read what's on the next?
Well, we have such a calender, and it has a saying on every page.. I don't really like it, as most of the times I disagree with the writer. For two months now, I've been thinking about this one saying. It says:
The best thing you can do for your children, is to love your partner.
I think most people who read it for the first time, will say: "yes, it's true." But is it really? Let us see.
What is the thing that frightens children the most? The idea of their parents breaking up... and when will they get that idea? Exactly, when their parents fight. Now we have established this, we need to see when couples do or do not argue.
I know a lot of people that deeply love their partners, but once in a while (once a month or maybe once a week) they just need to argue, they always find something to fight about. And this doesn't mean they don't love their partner, but they just have to sometimes...
In my opinion the best you can do for your children is to respect you partner. Because if you really respect a person, rather it is your partner or not, you don't feel the need to change that person.
Respecting a person is respecting it for all he or she is, his/her way of living and thinking, his or her being who he/she really is. It doesn't mean you have to agree with that person all the time, but it does mean that when you disagree, there is no problem, because they are them and you are you.
So as being in a relationship in which you respect you partner, there are two different and lovely people who share their lives, but both of them being themself. This make that there is harmony in the relationship and in the house. A very harmonious environment for your children to grow up in. And on this bases of reciprocal respect, there you can find Love.
I agree, because just love isn't enough for a good relationship. It's important the respect for each other because will teach also the child to respect other.
ReplyDeleteLeuk stukje, dank je wel!